7th Balkan Mining Congress -

7th Balkan Mining Congress

October 11 - 13, 2017.


1. Mira Obradović, JU Visoka medicinska škola Prijedor, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina
2. Boris Vuković, Serbia
3. Radoslav Grujić, JU Visoka medicinska škola Prijedor, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Infectious diseases are worldwide distributed in general morbidity and they are third by global mortality, after cardiovascular and malignant diseases. Considering prevalence from 2000-2019., seemingly promising decline, mostly due to available antibiotics and prophylaxis, is disrupted by SARS-CoV-2 virus pandemic (COVID-19) and once more exceptional potential of infectious diseases is proven as well as its notorious position at the peak of mortality and morbidity pyramid. Laboratory diagnostics is encountering great challenges: how to preserve sensitivity and specificity by saving time at once. Gold standard, microbiology techniques of cultivation and staining are both efforting and time consuming while laboratory diagnostics is often crucial for after coming efficient therapy. Conventional identification by phenotyping and sequencing is efforting, so nowadays new point – of – care NAATs technologies are being implemented (Nucleic Acid Amplification Tests). Molecular techniques based of target plasmids and chromosomes, more specifically plasmid finger typing and restriction endonuclease digestion (REA), chromosome analysis with electrophoresis in pulse field, restriction fragments length polymorphism (RFLP), and multilocus sequencing (MLS) are some of advanced techniques that brought new knowledge of microorganisms. Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization – (MALDI TOF MS) technique enabled easy, fast, cheap and efficient testing of large numbers of samples using standardised procedures. Technique is more than enough specific to precisely identifies the vast majority of Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria while routine identification of yeast isolates shown extraordinary potential for precise identification of filamentous fungi and dermatophytes. The main disadvantage of serology is standardization; therefore, this work will consider the most recent achievements. We will show a comparative analysis of all techniques mentioned and a review of all current research works and discussion of potential considerations

Key words:
infectious diseases, laboratory diagnostics, MALDI-TOF MS, POC-NAATs, microbiology

Date of abstract submission:

Međunarodna naučna konferencija - Znanjem do zdravlja SANUS 2022.

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