7th Balkan Mining Congress -

7th Balkan Mining Congress

October 11 - 13, 2017.


1. Sanja Novak Agbaba, Croatian Forest Research Institute, Croatia
2. Boris Belamaric, Hrvatske šume d.o.o., Croatia
3. Nevenka Ćelepirović, Croatian Forest Research Institute, Croatia
4. Jelena Ferina, Meteorologycal and Hydrological Service, Croatia

Rab is the island of the northern part of the Adriatic Sea in Croatia. The climate of the island of Rab is most affected by the sea surrounding it and the winds bora and jugo that have a significant influence on vegetation. They can reach speeds of up to 20 m/s in their strikes. The bora is a turbulent wind that most often blows in the gusts of northeast (NE) on the eastern coast of the Adriatic Sea and can achieve storm strength. The stormy bora with storm strikes on the island of Rab caused significant damage to the vegetation in the 2012. year on 7th and 10th to 11th of February. The aim of this work is to the investigate the intensity and type of damage and health condition of the forest vegetation caused by storm bora, to analyze the climate and frequency of storm bora, and to take protection measures for the damage repair in the area of Lopar. In the spring of 2013, in the management unit Kamenjak, department 43a, a 10m wide belt of forest was visually inspected along the pathway, and the edge of the forest. Four trees of Aleppo pine with a different percentage of damage were examined and analyzed in detail. The type and intensity of damage have been identified. The analysis of the results show that the 75% of Aleppo pine were damaged and the crown damage of the Aleppo pine were from 20 to 100%. After two vegetation cycles the forest vegetation were gradually recovering. The protecting measurres by cutting dry and heavy damaged aleppo pine trees were done in 2015. year. Based on visual monitoring of the Lopar site, it was estimated that in 2017. year 80% of the vegetation has been recovered. Strong gusts of bora, salt spray, frost and low temperatures, have a unfavorable influence on vegetation in the area of Lopar, where most of the pine trees, especially the Aleppo pine, are missing out on places that are heavily exposed to storm winds.

Key words:
storm bora, vegetation damage, Aleppo pine, Lopar locality

Thematic field:
Forest protection

Date of abstract submission:

Šumarska nauka u funkciji održivog razvoja šumarstva
25 godina šumarstva Republike Srpske

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