7th Balkan Mining Congress -

7th Balkan Mining Congress

October 11 - 13, 2017.


1. Bojana Dabić, 2. Emina Mladenović, Serbia
3. Jasna Grabić, Serbia

Abstract Water is a life's necessity and is necessary for the survival of the living world on Earth. Bearing in mind that this is a limited resource, the needs for it are growing and contaminating in different ways, its reserves are a global problem. However, potable water on the territory of the Republic of Serbia makes a significant part of the sources for watering and maintaining urban green infrastructures. This use of potable water increases the risks of reducing its reserves, which can lead to a significantly lower percentage of its usefulness for watering, and it is necessary to provide additional water resources for the maintenance of urban green infrastructures. For this reason, in this study was examined the possibility of using gray (waste urban) water for watering in urban areas, with the goal of preserving water resources and maintaining green infrastructure, while at the same time not disturbing and not disturbing the development of plants and their aesthetic quality. In the World, the practice of watering with gray water is largely applied. Greywater is domestic wastewater originating from laundry, sink, baths and showers and kitchen sink and dishwasher waste and excludes blackwater from toilets and urinals. Bearing in mind the inability to separate different municipal wastewater, with a view this that municipal communal infrastructure system that collects all wastewater in one place is mixed in different concentrations, for the purposes of this study, gray water is collected (waste from the bathroom - after bathing, shower, hand washing and kitchen waste - after washing the dishes) immediately after its creation. Preliminary research on the territory of the Republic of Serbia indicates the possibility of using waste water for watering, which is especially important for the maintenance of green infrastructure during the dry season. This type of watering of urban vegetation can significantly contribute to the area in which it is used, both from the economic (saving of resources and finance), and from the ecological aspect (preservation of water resources and maintenance of vegetation).

Key words:
Key words: urban greenery, green infrastructure, watering, gray water.

Thematic field:
Urban Forestry –Landscape Architecture

Date of abstract submission:

Šumarska nauka u funkciji održivog razvoja šumarstva
25 godina šumarstva Republike Srpske

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