7th Balkan Mining Congress -

7th Balkan Mining Congress

October 11 - 13, 2017.

Erodibility factor and soil loss in black pine stands 60 years after afforestation

1. Aleksandar Baumgertel, University of Belgrade-Faculty of Forestry, , Serbia
2. Sara Lukić, University of Belgrade-Faculty of Forestry, , Serbia
3. Snežana Belanović Simić, University of Belgrade-Faculty of Forestry, , Serbia
4. Predrag Miljković, University of Belgrade-Faculty of Forestry, , Serbia

In this paper, we studied erodability factor (K) and soil loss in the 60 years old stands of black pine (Pinus nigra Arnold.) established by planting in pits and in the lines of counter slope terraced terrain - so called “gradoni”. The aim of this study was to determine whether the applied planting method had an impact on soil erodibility and soil loss. The study area is located in Grdelica Gorge, the area susceptible to land degradation processes, especially erosion, due to specific natural conditions and lack of a land management strategy in the past. In the area of Grdelica Gorge, numerous erosion control works have been performed in the past in order to control erosion processes. The experimential fields were selected on the afforested areas planted in pits and in „gradoni”. Two soil profiles were opened in each experimental field. Soil samples taken from the fixed depths were subjected to physical and chemical laboratory analyses. The soil erodibility factor K was calculated using formula of Wischmeier and Smith (1978), whilst, soil loss were estimated according to Erosion Potential method - EPM (Gavrilovic, 1972). The results of the study showed that: i) there was statistically significant difference in erodibility factor in the areas before the afforestation (0,376±0,101) and 60 years after afforestation (0,269±0,030). ii) erodibility factor in the areas afforested by planting in pits (0,265±0.038) and planting in “gradoni” (0,271±0,029) were not statistically significantly different. iii) There was the reduction in soil loss in the areas afforested by planting in pits through 60 years after afforestation, but not statistically significant, while in the areas afforested by planting in “gradoni” the soil loss was statistically significantly reduced (p<0,05). iv) erodibility factor was positively correlated with soil loss (r=0,230) but without statistical significance, also the correlation strength was determined between the erodibility factor and the humus content (r=-0,618, p<0,01) and the silt content (r=0,813, p<0,01). According to the obtained results, the afforestation method can affect the reduction of soil losses, while, the erodibility factor may be affected indirectly (e.g. by increase in the organic matter content, forming structural aggregates) not immediately after afforestation, but in a long term period.

Key words:
soil erodibility, ,soil loss, ,afforestation, ,planting in pits, ,“gradoni”

Thematic field:
Forest ecology and conservation of natural resources

Date of abstract submission:

Šumarska nauka u funkciji održivog razvoja šumarstva
25 godina šumarstva Republike Srpske

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