7th Balkan Mining Congress -

7th Balkan Mining Congress

October 11 - 13, 2017.

Mapping of Forest Functions as an Instrument of Sustainable Forest Management

1. Biljana Šljukić, Univesity of Belgrade Faculty of Forestry, Serbia
2. Milan Medarević, Univesity of Belgrade Faculty of Forestry, Serbia
3. Dragan Borota, Šumarski fakultet Beograd, Serbia
4. Nevena Vasiljević, Šumarski fakultet Beograd, Serbia
5. Snežana Obradović, Univesity of Belgrade Faculty of Forestry, Serbia
6. Nenad Petrović, Šumarski fakultet Beograd, Serbia

The planning approach is one of the prerequisites for securing the accepted concept of sustainable forest management. Forest management plans are a framework for considering the multiple functions of forests in a certain area (multifunctionality) which, if we wish to adhere to sustainability principles and guidelines in forest management, need to be taken into account when defining forest management aims and measures. The primary role of mapping of forest functions is: a) in obtaining spatial information that serve as a basis for making decisions on adequate forest management and on the role (importance) of forests in landscape and land-use planning, b) in identifying, demarcating and mapping all forest areas that are of special importance for the protection of nature, living environment/resources, recreation or other social and cultural interests, c) in the “specific importance” of utmost public interest to dictate even the form of silviculture and forest management, d) in the possibility of perceiving changes in forest ecosystem services over time. In the first part, the analysis of the current procedure (method) for defining forest functions and their mapping, envisaged by the Serbian legislation and the forest planning system in Serbia, shows that the area purpose maps (priority functions), which are an integral part of plans, do not reflect the full spectrum of forest functions that are recorded when evaluating a concrete forest complex. Presented in the second part are the results of determining the forest functions of the “Istočna Boranja” management unit complex; by individual evaluation of the complex in relation to a concrete function. Also shown is a map of all functions whose value level of evaluation elements points to a functional noticeability in certain parts of the complex and, therefore, to the need to secure a concrete function while declaratively establishing the necessity of its fulfillment.

Key words:
sustainable forest management, forest functions, mapping

Thematic field:
Forest Menagement Planning

Date of abstract submission:

Šumarska nauka u funkciji održivog razvoja šumarstva
25 godina šumarstva Republike Srpske

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