7th Balkan Mining Congress -

7th Balkan Mining Congress

October 11 - 13, 2017.


1. Snežana Obradović, Univesity of Belgrade Faculty of Forestry, Serbia
2. Damjan Pantić, Univesity of Belgrade Faculty of Forestry, Serbia
3. Milan Medarević, Univesity of Belgrade Faculty of Forestry, Serbia
4. Biljana Šljukić, Univesity of Belgrade Faculty of Forestry, Serbia
5. Biljana Pešić, Univesity of Belgrade Faculty of Forestry, Serbia

Mixed forests of beech and fir as a climate-regional belt are developed on Mt. Goč in Serbia. These forests are environmentally stable, structurally highly complex and very productive. Due to their small area and expressed multifunctional value, their conservation was one of the key reasons for the proclamation of the nature reserve "Goč - Gvozdac". The primary goal of this research, based on the data of periodic measurements in permanent sample plots on Mt.Goč was to analyze the changes in structure, dynamics and dimensional diversity of these forests over the past 37 years. In this respect, the observed parameters were the number of trees, basal area, volume, as well as their distribution by diameter classes and Biolay diameter classes, changes in current volume increment, Gini coefficient and the share of tree species in the mixture. The degree of these changes and their character were used to qualify the effects of implemented management measures in the past, define future management objectives and select measures for their implementation. The results of this research have shown that the mixed forests of beech and fir on Mt. Goč have suffered a number of changes in terms of structure and production in the observed period. There was a decrease in the total number of trees per hectare, with a permanent increase in the share of trees with the largest dimensions (dbh > 50 cm) and a certain increase in dimensional diversity. Despite the decrease in the number of trees, stand volume increased over time, with significant changes in the mixture ratio. The volume increment also increased compared to the initial period, which indicates the high productivity of these forests. The resulting changes can be characterized as positive, when the high productivity of these forests is considered, which is desirable from the economic point of view. However, economic effects in the context of modern understanding of the role of forests cannot be the only goal of management, although it is desirable to align them with a number of other goals of protective and social character. Volume accumulation, difficult regeneration and ingrowth have led to certain structural and dynamic disorders. In those terms, selection cuts as a form of support to permanent selection forests should be the means of accelerating the development dynamics of these forests in the context of adaptive management, while repairing their structural and ecological stability as well as their functional value.

Key words:
forests of beech and fir,stand structure,stand dynamics,changes in time,adaptive management,Mt. Goč

Thematic field:
Forest Menagement Planning

Date of abstract submission:

Šumarska nauka u funkciji održivog razvoja šumarstva
25 godina šumarstva Republike Srpske

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