7th Balkan Mining Congress -

7th Balkan Mining Congress

October 11 - 13, 2017.

Costs of Living in Republic of Srpska

1. Jelica Rastoka, Ekonomski fakultet Univerziteta u Banjoj Luci, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina

The phenomenon of Cost of Living constantly draws the attention of general public, both economists and other experts who study it within their occupations and professions, as well as all the other regular people who have no interest for economy. Everybody wants to know how much does their living cost. Bosnia and Herzegovina, as small and undeveloped country, like to the many other issues, so to this one, shows the devastating statistics. Analysing the average wage and average market basket, it appears that the costs of living per capita are almost four time greater than the average income per capita. The authorities disallow these facts by explaining that in that case the residents of B&H would starve. Of course that the residents do not starve, but they live on the edge of existence, because they do not meet most of their needs. They simply carry out the selection on the way that waive most market basket in order to supply themselves with the survival minimum. Due to (un)availability of data, study case in this paper is done on the sample of Republic of Srpska, with the Method of Comparative Analysis for time period 2005-2013. In this paper are analysed nominal and real GDP, as well as the consumer price indexes, based on what are the changes in quality of life in Republic of Srpska shown.

Key words:
BDP, BDP, BDP, života, korpa, cijena, BDP, cijena, troškovi.života, troškovi_života, BDP, potrošačka_korpa, indeksi_potrošačkih_cijena

Thematic field:
Social sciences

Date of abstract submission:

7. Studenti u susret nauci sa međunarodnim učešćem, StES2014

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