7th Balkan Mining Congress -

7th Balkan Mining Congress

October 11 - 13, 2017.

Development of horticultural objects in the structure of urban matrix of Banja Luka

1. Ljiljana Došenović, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Horticultural objects in the urban development of Banja Luka are the subject and the frame of this study. In the context of urban matrix transformation, and based on the literature and written and graphic archives, as well as facts established in the field, the developmental trends of horticultural objects were analyzed through certain historical periods. The analytical approach of this research supports traditional integration of the functional structures of the city, through the protection of the urban landscape, its morphology and natural environment. Influential factors (natural, created and socio-economic) determine the dynamics of the processes of structural change in the urban matrix. Sustainable development of Banja Luka should be in the focus of planning settings, as well as the preservation of traditional values of the green city attribute. Study results indicate that Banja Luka has created its identity through ages, which is important to keep in any future visions of city development, because memory defines the essence of the spiritual map of the urban environment. The results of the study should be implemented in the planning, design and regeneration of horticultural objects for efficient solving of the current problems, as well as for the continuous monitoring of changes in ways of using green spaces in Banja Luka.

Key words:
horticultural objects, green matrix, sustainable development, urban transformation

Thematic field:
Genetički resursi/Genetic Resources

Date of abstract submission:

Number of visits:

II međunarodni simpozijum i 18-to naučno-stručno savjetovanje agronoma Republike Srpske

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